Colours of Identity


My piece of art is a positive celebration of the LGBTQIA2S+ community and the importance of mental health and self-care. I would like to celebrate equality and human rights. With all of the heaviness that has been going around in the world, I decided to do a photoshoot of myself in 5 different colours to resemble the pride flag. Learning about history, and what our ancestors did to provide us with the freedom we have now, I wanted to celebrate this moment. This inspiration initially came from an equality campaign that I saw, and thought I would like to recreate this in my own way. We are all beautiful in any colour, shape, or size. I hired a photographer, and we shot this over Facetime which was a really fun experience. As a creative, I’ve always wanted to create something in our community and doing this workshop allowed me to execute this vision.

I really enjoyed the presentations I was able to see (WORKSHOP — Anti-Racism and Lessons from Liberation – Cicely Belle Blain; WORKSHOP — CONSENT AND RESPECT: TALK IS GOOD, ACTION IS BETTER!; SHORT ORAL PRESENTATIONS: HEALTH EQUITY/INCLUSION), and each one of them was so informative and left me thinking about my experiences, growth, and steps I could take for change. Listening to these speakers triggered some of my personal experiences that connected with the speaker. It was a long thought process, but I felt great being able to reflect on some things I do not usually allow myself to feel. Can’t wait to see the rest!

The 3 presentations I listed are very relative to our community. Working in the entertainment industry, there is a lot of ongoing issues with consent, equality, diversity & inclusion, etc. These are all situations I have personally experienced negatively, and I wanted to create a uplifting piece.

My artwork is taking ownership of who I am, who we are, and not standing down against any hate, discrimination, anti- racism, etc. I am taking responsibility as a fellow community member, and will continue to create awareness and take action towards the change I want for our future.

Click here to watch the Summit 2020 session that inspired this piece.

Jason Pillay

Renowned for his beyond innovative, eccentric and rather inspiring take on personal style, Fashion Stylist & Creative Director Jason Pillay continuously steps outside the ‘rules of fashion’ by exercising his innate fondness for experimenting with hues, textures and imaginative elements. Asides from his work in the fashion industry, Jason is an active enthusiast in the local community and an advocate for equality, social justice, and LGTBQIA2S+ rights. He continues to be a passionate community member all while using his voice to address current events. With an incredible passion to be diverse in all areas of his profession, Jason excels at working relentlessly and living and breathing by the motto “Be Yourself”.